I've got some really cool stuff to share today. First, I did an interview with Alessandra Zengo for her blog Diario di Pensieri Persi. Ale is an amazing person who runs an exceptional blog, and I had a blast working with her. Check out the interview (and her review of Legacy!) here:
Gli Speciali
Thanks so much again to Alessandra for this opportunity!
I'm now reading Anne of Green Gables, which of course means I've finished both Treasure Island and The Haunting of Hill House, so I want to take a bit to talk about my thoughts on both books. If you've read them or plan to, leave a comment and tell me your thoughts, whether they're the same as mine or completely different!
So first, Treasure Island. I've said before that if Robert Louis Stevenson were still alive, I would want to have his babies. I'm sticking to that conviction. Treasure Island is such a classic story -- I remember watching Muppet Treasure Island when I was little (and maybe I watched it again after I finished reading the book...) -- and RLS's writing is impeccable, astounding, amazing, absolutely PERFECT. I've never felt that way about an author's writing before. I'm seriously in love with this man.
As a point of interest, I also watched the made-for-TV version of Treasure Island (starring itty-bitty Christian Bale and Charleton Heston) post-reading. The only place I've been able to find it is on YouTube, but I encourage everybody to check it out! It sticks to the book almost beat by beat. It's the most accurate film version I've ever seen.
Make sure you stick to the vids by balehead28 -- they don't skip at all.
Also, just gonna put this out there, I love Treasure Planet. Awesome movie. :P
The most recent book I read was The Haunting of Hill House. I picked that one up because my friend Annie brought over her favorite scary movie one night -- The Haunting (made in 1963 I believe; it's totally classic), which is based off the book. Anyway, I loved the movie and had heard amazing things about Shirley Jackson (who HASN'T read The Lottery?), so I proceeded to read the novel, and I loved it as well. It's a slow-build book, so there was a point about half-way through that I realized nothing had happened yet -- and I didn't care, because the writing was so beautiful and SJ's style gives you complete confidence that she knows exactly what she's doing, where she's going, and that she expects you to come along for the ride. It's an amazing experience. The Haunting of Hill House is officially one of my all-time favorite books.
Tomorrow the CSN Giveaway contest ends -- until I've posted results, people are still free to enter. I might even wait 'til the first to name the winner, to make sure everyone who wanted in has had a chance to enter their name. Anyway, I think that's about all for now, so stay cool!