Monday, January 21, 2013

Sandy Hook Memorial Giveaway WINNERS!

Thank you to everyone who entered this giveaway in honor of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting victims! Before I announce the winners, I want to assure entrants that I personally reviewed every submission, including those of a couple of people who were concerned that their entries may not have been included. Your names were in there! Also, the sudden jump in the number of entries was due to a last-day promotional push, not someone cheating the system. Again, I checked this out myself.

First off, winners should check their email for a message from Publicity[at] - you will need to reply with the North American address to which you'd like your copy of Sacrifice mailed!

And the winners are...

1) Wendy, who slipped on a patch of ice and was helped up by a total stranger.

2) Kristie, who gave up her front row seat at a concert to a little girl.

3) Lisel, who was given much-needed help from a friend in the midst of an avalanche of homework and projects.

4) Resa, whose family was allowed to be part of a Christmas gift giving program despite entering late.

5) Barbie, who gave up her jacket for a shivering peer.

6) Laia, who appreciated help she received studying for Physics.

7) Kaity, who was left a super sweet note by a stranger who paid for her meal anonymously.

8) Betsy, who was given a sick-bed basket of goodies by the anonymous fairy of awesome.

9) Sarah, who was taken on a special trip to the movies.

10) Hana, who was stopped from rushing across the street by a thoughtful stranger.

11) Esther, whose mother baked her supportive cupcakes when she failed an exam.

12) Baylee, who received a simple text that brightened her day.

13) Joely, whose day was made by a compliment.

14) Pao, who was called beautiful by a special someone.

15) Miranda, who learned that little things can have a big impact when a customer she waited on gave her a parting gift.

16) Vivianna, who keeps the YA section at her library well-stocked for readers like her.

17) Samy, who was given a stuffed penguin to ease her mind during a stressful time.

18) Anna, who was covered for a few-cent-shortage by a stranger in line behind her, then returned the favor for the next customer.

19) Donna, whose espresso was paid for by the car in front of her after a night of no sleep. (Wishing the best to you and yours!)

20) Bina, whose donut was paid for by a complete stranger.

21) Xochilt, who was prepared a morning cup of coffee by her loving sister.

22) Larissa, whose dad surprised her with tickets for The Hobbit. (Great movie!!!)

23) Aristoniki, whose roommate was there to pick up the pieces after a bad breakup.

24) Victoria, whose dad filled her gas tank during a money pinch.

25) Erin, whose friend bought her a delicious frozen yogurt after a bad day.

and 26) Montana, whose friend gave her a memory box filled with reminders of the good times they've spent together.

So many wonderful submissions! I enjoyed every one, and I'm so happy to be reminded of all the wonderful people there are in the world!

WINNERS: If you have not received an email confirming your selection, please comment here with your first name or send an email to Publicity[at] We must hear from you in order to mail your book to you. Congratulations!

Love to all,

Saturday, January 19, 2013

26 Acts Signed Books Giveaway

Tell me about an act of kindness someone did for you, or you did for someone, and enter for a chance to win a signed copy of Sacrifice! Expanded info about the contest is in the post below, if you're interested.

a Rafflecopter giveaway